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And she writes, too!

That's right! Julia Lane Cooper has written her very 1st novel! 

Coming in early 2024!

The Adventures of Julia and Doug Logo.jpg
The Adventures of Julia and Doug Logo.jpg

The Adventures of Julia and Doug are Here!

Learn what it was really, kinda, sorta, mostly like for a young couple to sell everything and become full-time travelers!


This story is 100% somewhat true and has everything you could want in a fiction novel:

  • Action

  • Adventure

  • Romance

  • Comedy

  • Mystery

  • Fantasy

  • and more!

What do our early readers think?

"This book is mystery one minute, heart warming the next, and then followed by a quick gut punch of funny. I couldn't put it down!"


- A reader, maybe

Julia and Doug.jpg
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Julia Lane Cooper 2.jpg

How about another "quote?"

"She only made, like, 10 spelling errors in the whole book! At over 300 pages, that's pretty good! Oh, and the story was great, too! I really liked that one part. You know the one I mean!"


-Someone who clearly knows what's up


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Want to be part of my Book Launch Team? 

You'd be a swell addition to my Book Launch Team if...​

  • Amazon knows you on a first-name basis from all of the reviews you write (& you'd love to write one more just for me)

  • Your plethora of online friends love your book & product recommendations 

  • You love exclusive swag and content just for a little 'ol written review and a social share here and there

Members of my exclusive Book Launch Team will get an advanced electronic copy of my new novel in the Adventures of Julia & Doug series.
Team members will have one month to read the book and prepare an honest review prior to launch.

Team members should post on their social media accounts a minimum of twice about the book launch.

Team members should actively participate with my social media posts. Links will be shared via email.

On launch day, Team members must purchase a copy of my book from Amazon.

Within 3 days after launch, Team members must post their honest review of the book on Amazon.

Team members will share their posts and reviews with me via email.
Upon receipt and confirmation, Team members who have met the requirements will be sent a link to exclusive online content and a swag package will arrive in their USPS mailbox within 1-2 weeks.

Team members who complete all steps will be the first to know about upcoming releases and be offered the opportunity to become Book Launch Team members for the next release.

Sound good? Ready to take the plunge? Tell me in the form below why you think you'd be a good fit for my Team, and I'll be in contact soon!

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